Aqua Park | Fitness | Recreation Units
The access system offered by ITMES Hungary is an advanced computer-supported control and payment system that is adapted to the special needs of leisure and spa facilities. The system is designed to be accessed and controlled by staff and customers, which is parameterized and controlled by the system (e.g., access point terminals, cash registers, read / write devices, IDs, etc.), procurement processes, and the issuance of invoices / tax receipts. The access control system can be integrated with the front-office systems provided by ITMES Hungary or already existing and provided by the customer, as well as with the hotel access control systems or site management systems. The access control systems provided by ITMES Hungary for access to leisure and recreational facilities are already present in many Central European countries. The systems sold by our company are under constant development and offer a better quality of service and technology than other similar products on the market.
The access control system offered by ITMES Hungary is able to serve units such as spas, swimming pools, water pools (Aqua Park), SPA centers, fitness, itmes hunagry leisure, aquapark, fitness, zoo, museum access systemsmuseums, zoos, events, etc., offering a fast, convenient and efficient customer service. It is easy to apply, whether it is a simple system or just an access path to multiple access units that meets the needs of this level of service

Advantages: Below we list some of the main advantages of the access and control system of the holiday and leisure unit distributed by ITMES Hungary.
- It is the only advanced control and payment system tailored to the specific needs of the country.
- For all types of leisure activities, thermal baths, water baths, fitness, etc.
- Installation in the most famous thermal and water baths and fitness units in Central Europe.
- Uses stable SQL databases.
- Prevents fraud within units.
- Units do not use cash.
The purpose of the program is to monitor the movement of customers or staff within the unit, control the purchase, control the issuance of receipts, and parameterize access to doors or turnstiles. Depending on the data, the program can provide different situations and exportable lists.
The system has a flexible, modular structure to which stand-alone online tools can be added. The passing made by customers and staff in selected facility areas can be controlled through access control points (or terminals). Proximity identifiers (cards or watches) with access rights are used to identify access and control points and services that the holders of these identifiers are entitled to use.
A system can contain several workstations, each dedicated to a specific job. In particular, the system may use a controller-type workstation to control access control points; ticketing workstation, ticket office, information point workstation, security / surveillance workstation, and in a modern system we can have point-of-sale workstations.
The system consists of software modules and hardware components, the latter communicating with each other, either indirectly (stand-alone devices) or directly (online devices). The communications network is configured to provide data communications between any online device and its control computer. The communications network can incorporate data transmissions in RS-232 TCP / IP and RS-485.