TomWork is a protective equipment (PPE) and consumable / storage system

It’s not just an automatic, it’s a cost-effective way to automate the dispensing of consumables and a permanent inventory of their treatment, eliminated out-of-stock and excess inventory orders, thus reducing rearrangement costs, guaranteed accurate recording and activation of a series of alarms, the configuration structure is flexible and easy to use with the web-based Sesamo Dispensing software. A TomWork up to 710 PPE and devices of various types and sizes, such as accessories, stationery, equipment, objects and handles primary aids and consumables.

Each batch has a separate batch

TomWork controls each box / dispenser compartment separately and allows you to dedicate the appropriate space to each batch based on actual consumption (unless you have different sized gloves with different consumption) so that the level is emptied uniformly and regularly.

USER IDENTIFICATION: TomWork's user system recognizes different types of identification systems (magnetic card, RFID, Mifare, Biometric) through which the system recognizes and controls the user to select the objects it allows.


TomWork helps companies comply with European regulations for the workplace environment and safety standards, such as OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001:

  • -Recording and certifying the shipment of personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • -Automatic email notifications if an employee does not take the right amount of PPE or does not take it at all;
  • -Self-enrollment in courses on the use of revoked PPE;
  • -Access only to equipment that can be used based on the work performed to reduce the risk of access to hazardous equipment that requires special personnel.